jueves, 16 de agosto de 2018

Peaky blinders

The peaky blinders is a Netflix series of which I became totally fanatical. I watched the four seasons in six days, and I look forward to season five that opens next year. But I would like to explain why I liked this series so much. First of all, a historical series takes place in the context of the end of the first world war in England, showing how the country rises after the "great war" and the psychological problems presented by the men who fought in it.
It also shows the repression suffered by the Irish movement, for demanding the independence of England and the repression of communism in Europe. Another important issue that the series shows is the role of the woman who can now afford and have an opinion in society. The series is a mixture of historical, criminal and love fiction. The perfect mix.

University life

Since I entered the university that my life was totally
 transformed, for good and for bad. College life opens up a new world for you. We are young and immature people, full of dreams and ideas to fulfill. When you get to the university you realize how difficult it can be and what sacrifices you have to make sometimes. But not everything is sad, despite spending periods of high stress and fatigue, the university opens thousands of doors. We can meet new people, do different things, learn and develop 
as people with goals and have fun. Although many times
 I would like to abandon everything and be happy in another way, I know that this university path is about living and experiencing youth, and mainly about enjoying it before adult life arrives.

Dulce María and the vegetables

 Dulce María is the name of my dog, she is only two and a half years old and has changed my life completely. At the age of nineteen, I had my first pet. Before having it, the truth is that I was not interested in animals, or anything that had to do with
them, in fact, I even had a bit 
of disgust and fear. After the arrival of Dulce Maria to my life I was able to recognize the kindness that lives in the animals and the unconditional love that they give. Hence my interest and concern for animals was born, so after a while I decided to become a vegetarian. Take this decision to protect my sweet and a commitment to myself to cause the least possible damage in my life, saving pain to many animals that die every day for feeding humans.

The new feminist era

Feminism in Chile was not a subject a short time ago, although the fury of women was feeding long ago. Different situations and events drove the movement. Everyday situations such as street harassment or the detriment of our peers to more extreme situations such as femicides led women to fight. These situations made all of us as women live with fear and insecurity. Women live in a society that demands certain behaviors and aptitudes when it comes to unwinding in environments. Criticizes the one who is very feminine and who is away from this stereotype. But this is over, the feminist movement is rising as a current that seeks equality between men and women, seeks the liberation and emancipation of women from these prejudices and suffering throughout history. The movement has just begun, and the feminist era is not over.

miércoles, 4 de julio de 2018

What's going on with our oceans?

The pollution of the oceans is not a new topic but if it's an ignored topic. My interest in the subject is born mainly. My interest in the subject is born by the concern in the frequent deaths of marine animals because to the plastic consumption present in the marine Waters. Through the documentary “A plastic oceon”. I could see the irreversible damage we are causing with the amount of waste we are producing. Waste that goes directly to the sea. The main problem of these wastes is that it is mainly plastic, material that is not biodegradable, is not recyclable and is not renobable. To keep ignoring this topic is not an option, it is urgent that we become aware of this. It is fudamental for governments to propose public policies on recycling, conservation of oceans and nature in general.

The same God different name

My relationship with religion catholic since little was very close. Attended to catholic school so I achieved all my sacraments and faith was something important in my life. But on entering university it was impossible to question what he believed and what he did not. I question a lot.
Slowly the religion was being less important in my life, now I have another opinion about religion.
Through the video and my opinion I can say that all religions preach the same thing. In the end all believe in the same God but with different names, and at the same time this god represents the force of nature and the universe.
I believe that religions have only served to divide and create conflict between people. But I think people need to believe in a force superior to us, not to feel alone.

domingo, 22 de abril de 2018

The career he choose is...

I study Public Administration, this career consists on working in public services  to have role of public manager, ideally. This career have a different place in where develop. The four area is: a) the management of public organizations and networks, b) high-level advice on public affairs, c) research and dissemination of knowledge about public affairs; d) the direction and coordination in the public policy process.

Personally public administracion never was my first option. I wanted to study a degree in History because I would have liked to teach in school. I believe that teach is the work fundamental in the life from the student but this work of professor is not appreciated in society.  

For this reasons choose Public Administration, because i believe that I can to reach great things, with public service vocation. To contribute ideas and solutions, to improve the life of people. 

viernes, 13 de abril de 2018

I am...

Hello! My name is Catalina Marcela Zumelzú Neira. I'm 20 years old. I was born in San Bernardo, Santiago. I live with my mom Paulina (46) and my sister Romina (24). I have small family. A new member in the family is my pet Dulce María. My dog became one year in our family. Since that coming to my family to make a change in we. In me make a change in my diet, nowdays i'm vegetarian.

I study Public Administration, in university of Chile. I like my career but never was my first option. I wanted to study a degree in History. Nowdays I'm happy with what i do.

In my free time I like reading and writing. Read interesting books romantic and history. I write about experience, I would like to publish book someday. Sometimes do exercise with my pet because we live in the apartament and my dog has no enough space to play.

My dream in the future is I have a flowers shop because I love flowers and nature.