domingo, 7 de julio de 2019

Post 9: Changes to my study programme

When you enter to study Public Administration the truth is that I did not know very well the mesh nor the courses that I had to do. After the time I was able to learn more about the courses. The courses are varied: Finance, research, history, public policies, political science, among others. Although the courses are very varied I think there should be other more practical areas. An example of this would be to work more in services or ministries, seeing directly how public administrators work in reality. I would also like the teachers to be more committed to the courses and to have more communication with the students. Maybe use other more participatory teaching methods and leave the eternal power point sides.
As for the infrastructure where the race takes place, I think that something fundamental would be to have a library and a larger computer lab, where all the students can have access at the moment they need it. At present these places collapse and not all students can use this to work.
The duration of the degree is 10 semesters and maybe not all the classes taught are necessary. Clearly there are some that do not work, and others that should receive more attention. On the other hand, due to the "paros" of all the years, learning is hard affected and most of the time the objectives established at the beginning of the year are not achieved. The "paro" is seen as the main difficulty to achieve the expected learning and achieve a good relationship between teacher and students.

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